Returns Policy

Unfortunately, at present RaniBoutique is not able to offer any returns , exchange or refund on items unless you receive a damaged or faulty item, in which case RaniBoutique should be notified within 24 hours of receiving the product by sending us an email.

The email address is, We will then provide you with further instructions on how to return the item. Please Do Not Return to the address provided on package. This does not affect your statutory rights.

All our garments are checked and logged with pictures and video footage to ensure Our Quality Standard is met . To avoid causing any disappointment.

If you fail to notify us regarding a faulty product within 24 hours of receiving the item, You will not be eligible for a refund.

Any returnable items need to be sent in their original packaging within 7 days of receipt. Buyer is responsible for the return, therefore it is advisable to use tracked delivery/postage system to assure item reaches our office safely.

Kindly note once order has been placed it cannot be amended or cancelled. Please ensure you select the right size and enter the correct shipping address.
Kindly note colours may differ slightly due to variations in lighting used at the time of photography or editing and your device’s screen settings.

If you intend to return a purchase, you do have a statutory duty to take reasonable care of our goods. Such goods remain your responsibility until they reach us in the same condition to when you received them.
All returns will be inspected upon being received, please refrain from damaging the goods during inspection or whilst trying them on for size, including the original packaging and labels/tags.
We do not accept liability for any goods which do not reach us. We therefore advise that any goods which are returned are done so using a recorded delivery service and proof of postage is retained. We reserve the right to refuse a return or exchange in the event of damage being caused to our goods.
It is your responsibility to ensure you’re aware of our returns policy and we will not take any liability or offer any flexibility for noncompliance with this policy.

Majority of our products are embroidered and therefore fragile in their usage whilst having a 5%-10% variation possibility. By placing an order on our website, you accept the possibility of variation in comparison to the images provided on this website.
Please note product embellishments may get displaced (5%- 10%) and this is not regarded as a fault but is due to the nature of the work. These garments should be worn with care.

Once your return has been approved it will be processed and you will receive an email to confirm that the refund has been processed from our system. Refunds usually take five days from receipt of the email for your account to be credited, however some payment providers and payment types can take up to 14 days to credit your account.

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